Nothing is truly impossible in life, right? Over the past months, I’ve been bitter over my Chemistry class. It’s not that I hate our teacher/adviser (in fact I praise Ms. G for her excellent teaching). I just get frustrated of not getting a perfect score there. I would feel bitter when I will see my classmates’ scores for that they’ve reached the jackpot. I wished for myself that someday I’ll get what I want. So last Wednesday, everything came to a head. A few minutes later…
I hit my very own jackpot.
My efforts were no longer in vain. I deserved to get a perfect score!
Have I told you about New Moon? It was wayyyy more awesome than Twilight. It followed the novel more closely, except for the ending. Edward just said “Marry me” and the credits rolled. Whoa! Anyways, I like Jacob Black better than Edward Cullen. My mom even switched from Team Edward to Team Jacob after seeing Jacob’s chiseled, drool-worthy abs. Plus, Taylor Lautner has great complexion.
I recommend you watching this, people! It’s worth the money!