

if you want a nice body, go get it. if you want to become a lawyer, study your ass off. if you want nice hair, pick a style and get it done. stop being afraid and motivate yourself. find yourself. find your happiness, because it’s out there waiting for you.

I’m looking forward to reading this! Got this on Booksale for only P180. All hail the absolutely amazing finds on bargain bookstores! #happyface


One of my life goals is to see my feature published in Thought Catalog. The only dilemma is that I do not know exactly what to write. I’m greatly inexperienced in the dating scene so therefore let me scratch any topic pertaining to the big L word. Advice on achieving dreams may perhaps make more sense since I enjoy coming up with words of wisdom inside my crummy head. All overthinking outside, there is a lot of time in the world for me to conceptualize something readers would feast their eyes on more than once, not make them snooze in a way an alarm clock alone would wake them up. 

One day, I will be on Thought Catalog. I just need to take my time to develop my gift. 



What’s Up With My Life? 

1st Photo: I like taking photos of baby Caleb. Isn’t he as cute as a cupcake? Getting home to see him never fails to lighten me up after a long, exhausting day. 

2nd Photo: Watched The Virgin Labfest at the CCP last June 27 for my NARATIV class! I’ve never watched a play in the venue until that day. What an enjoyable experience it was to see theater at its finest with its well-written script and superb acting in the flesh. 

3rd Photo: Me and my TELVPRO groupmates after the success of Coolture, our first talk show last Thursday! I’m so thankful to be working with these wonderful people. 

4th Photo: Jeline, Czar, and I with a memento of our time at The Virgin Labfest. Kevs being Kevs by taking the photo for us as an indictment of his camera-shyness =))

P.S. Today I spent the entire day reading Moby Dick and watching Rebel Without A Cause. I’m not done yet with The Great Budapest Hotel but so far so good! Wes Anderson’s terrific use of design never fails to impress me. 



“People have been waving at me lately. I think my daughter may have put my picture on The Facebook.”