Hey, 2016. It was 80% superbad™ for most of us but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing to be grateful for in the 366 days we spent together. Let’s get to business and have a rundown of the best of the year.
Trips to Baler and Hong Kong (Disneyland, what’s good?). Reunions with high school and college friends. A year of awesome at a fantastic company heralded by brilliant colleagues. Seeing my sports teams triumph and end their seasons with championships after all the years of heartbreak and disappointment. Blessings received, challenges conquered at every turn. New opportunities embraced and lessons learned. The unconditional love and support from my family, friends and colleagues. Safe to say, these moments and people are why 2016 has turned out to be an unforgettable year and I couldn’t be any more grateful.
2017, please be awesomer. Cheers to all and have a blessed new year ahead!🥂🎉