
Throwback time. On this day a year ago, I embarked on a brand new opportunity even if it meant moving on to something I held onto dearly for so long. That opportunity I’m talking about is my MBA pursuit - a big break after switching off my “Study Mode” for two years.
I can’t be grateful enough for everything C&S has done for me in the year and a half I worked there. They became my second home, the place where I grew from a fresh grad with the newbie-in-the-desk jitters to a strong, confident, and savvy career go-getter. There was no second in my entire stay when I felt bored, lonely or hopeless as they never ran out of opportunities for me to grow. So many good memories came out of this experience, and I thank C&S for making that chapter of my life unforgettable. 🤗🍷
P.S: Until now I still miss all those daily “Wait lang, nagcocopy pa ako” moments and those random chikahans and pabanats in the office 🤣


I am honored to have had the opportunity to be the Assistant Events Manager of UONS Business Club this school year! Moreover, I am beyond grateful for my mentors and orgmates for this magical thrill ride. Congratulations again to the new committee members! 🙌🏼


The arrival of summer season got me like: (at Marina Bay Sands)