
We're gonna tear up the town

I’ve been very busy this past week. If you’ve seen my Belle de Jour Power Planner, you could see how hectic junior year has been so far. First, I have to submit my articles for the Theresian Magazine. Second, I have to study for quizzes after a day of discussion. Lastly, our group study for Research is killing our precious time.

What a bliss. In about six weeks I have to spend probably the busiest summer of my life. I have to review for all of my upcoming entrance exams. Read: study, study, study. I have to sacrifice those dreams of theater workshops in the summer just to have high hopes of getting into a Big 4 university, especially ADMU and UP. BTW, I’ve decided to take AB Communication Arts as my first choice of course and BS Psychology as my second.

The Parent-Daughter Consultation held this morning meant a lot for my mom and I. We got the chance to walk around the Covered Court to get brochures of the different universities that were there. Unfortunately, UP didn’t make it so I only got to get info for the Big 3. While I looked at those pamphlets distributed by the college representatives, my thoughts ran like a treadmill with no control. The words came to my mind: “I wanna go to UP, DLSU and ADMU.” Before the college fair, we has a mass where I was one of the selected students to read the Prayers of the Faithful. I am so honored to step into the podium and say my prayer to my batchmates and their parents.

My mom got to see my Guidance Career folder full of works I did since I was in Grade 1. I discovered that I wanted to be a Math teacher when I was seven. Oh come on! Plus, most of my works contained the sentence “I am special” and I have no idea why on Earth I wrote that. After inquiring to the booths, the two of us went to Tutuban where we bought clothes for my birthday and four new Dong-A colored pens for my planner. Haha!

Yesterday’s PALIHAN was a great experience. I was like a preschool teacher that day because our class has to take care of 23 kids. I took care of two kids, one hyper boy and one quiet-turned-energetic little girl. The first one was so hyper I have to chase him around the lawn until he tripped. The second girl was quiet at first but by breaktime, I was so tired of chasing her at the same venue.

In those hours, I felt like a member of The Baby-sitters Club.

Moving on, I wish I land an acting role in Dulaang Pinoy’s presentation for Personnel’s Day. My audition piece was a hyperventilated student. Fast forward to today, I have to watch DVDs. I finally got Brothers (Jake!), The Lovely Bones, and the first season of Glee. I watched one episode of Glee one night in ETC and I loved it.