
I don't even know what I liked about you

As I told you the previous post, I will tell the story of me and my ex-favorite F4 member. It was a long story that some of you can relate. Have you ever felt the fandom fever? You cover your room with posters of your favorite artist, making it like a shrine to your idol. You listen to his records non-stop until your eardrums blast.

Mine was a different story.

I used to be obsessed with F4 like everyone was back in Grade 3. I would always sit at the couch at 5:30 PM with my dinner of egg and bread while watching Meteor Garden. At first, I liked the quiet guy (Vic Zhou) then switched to another one in the second season.

And the epic tale begins there.

My mom once watched the whole series at midnights for two days. I joined her during one of those sessions. And while watching that, I began to develop an interest in one of the playboys there. Nah, I’m not talking about Xi Men. I’m talking about Vanness, but I prefer to call him Van Wu. I thought he looked better in the second season. Plus, his storyline was interesting. Yeah right. So after that, I began following him. I started collecting photos of him and watched MG II over and over. When his debut movie Star Runner came out, I and my mom watched it. It was a great movie with a sensical plot and awe-inspiring fight scenes. But most of all, I thought that Van Wu’s haircut there looked fine on him. Ayayay.

Then one day, everything changed. A busmate saw a poster of the F4 endorsing Pepsi with Van Wu posing like he fell off the building. She thought he was being boastful and asked another busmate why did she idolized him. From then on, I studied Van Wu’s moves. Oh yes, he really was a boast.

From that time on, I started hating Van Wu. I drew his photos with bunny ears, mustache, and acne. I changed the channel whenever he appeared on TV. I even submitted an entry for the guessing game assignment with him as the answer. The riddle was like this:

I once liked this singer,
But now I hate him so much.
I think he’s really boastful,
And there are a lot of reasons why.

And as for my Creative Writing club membership entry back in Grade 5, I submitted a magazine entitled “Van Wu Haters Club”. My English teacher asked me:

“Who’s Van Wu?”

“My most hated F4 member.”

Eventually, I got the membership. It was long before I got in to Theresian Mag. What I didn’t know was that the next event will be the most horrendous exploitation to date. Our batch went to Ephpheta Foundation for our first-ever exposure trip. On the way there, a friend yelled about my hatred on Van Wu to the whole class. Result?

My classmates teased and laughed at me about it. They began singing MYMP’s “Especially For You” (which was a big hit then) and I laughed so hard I fell off my seat. The jokes continued up until we went home from the trip. A former classmate offered me Van Wu’s poster which I scribbled with mustache and some words such as “jerk”, “snob”, “tootsfat”, etc. I got the word tootsfat from Drawn Together, BTW.. I booed him whenever our school bus passed by the convenience store with his Pepsi Fire and Ice billboard in it.

So? I already revealed to you who I despise in F4. Do I still feel the same way until now? Look below:

[Plain White T’s]

It's written on your face tonight

This week was busy. It’s not because of schoolwork. It’s because of moving house between my mom and I and my dad’s family. Am I giving out too much information? Supposedly. All details about it is a secret to the online world. Apart from the move, I didn’t get to join my friends’ gimmick at the Trinoma last Saturday. I was so disappointed because I was so excited about the day only to cancel it because of transportation problems and such. Good thing my mom made up for it by taking me to Tutuban (our bargain kingdom). I bought a DVD of Skins Season 3, ate at KFC, and strolled around the mall looking at the latest fashion finds.

My friends didn’t brag about their gimmick. It was so nice of them. In fact, Kath even told me to check out Kuya August’s photos on Facebook. As I was looking at the pics, I felt like I was there. Hehe. There’s always the next gimmick. Plus, I already had a blast at SM North and at the Bandfest. Speaking of FB, I added up and accepted tons of friend requests from schoolmates this summer. Also, I’ve been reading tweets about the STC review classes.

This week was boring as it was like living in a torture chamber. I didn’t go out of the house for two days. But tomorrow, I’ll finally taste freedom since I’ll have my picture taken for Academic Gateway. Wait, it’s in three days. I’ll be feeling the DLSU hype (since AG is located near there), the smorgasboard of fastfood chains, and an opportunity to make new friends from other schools. Will there be a batchmate there? Let’s see.

I’ve been hanging around Teentalk a lot lately. I just missed everything - posting, making online buddies. Also for the past week, I made a lot of changes in my blog layout. And it wasn’t easy. I added a ROBO.TO account and dubbed it as the “Candicam”. There’s also a section with some random facts about me in poetic style. Now for one of the facts I told you about the F4 thing….

I’ll share it to you next post.

[Cause Cobra Starship says so.]


It's breakin' my heart in two

Because of the Series 1 Finale of Skins featuring this song, I was hooked on this. The video was downloaded via YouTube but since embedding request was disabled, I uploaded it here instead.
[Cat Stevens]

Your lipstick stains

See how much I don’t like it when great songs go mainstream through variety shows?



Anything you want you can make it yours

Yesterday I was so bored I played with Photobooth. I already posted some snappies at Flickr. Anyways, here is what I did with Photobooth Madness:

[Cause Shakira says so.]

Won't you please take me far away?

Tomorrow is the big gimmick with my friends at SM North (or Tri, as Kath put it) and I’m looking forward to it. This week has been a big bore because I was mall-free and there were no special events. All I did for the past five days was to go online, message my friends on FB, reblog on Tumblr, and tweet. Oh, and download songs and upload to my online art gallery.

Because I am so bored, let me share to you new (and superhott) pics of The Jake Gyllenhaal himself!

As for the above pic, it speaks for itself: he is the Prince of Persia. I can’t wait for his movie to come out here in Manila!

In other news, WWE has dropped the ball again. Better check out WWE.com and see what I mean. (Clue: they did their roster “cleaning” again).

[Cause Lynyrd Skynyrd says so.]


HYC Updates

♥ Starting today, I will be ending my blog posts with the phrase “Cause (artist’s name of the song) say so”. However, the labels are still under the featured song of the featured artist.
♥ I added my Can-work Flickr Gallery badge at the Miscellaneous section. Now you can access on my Can-works straight from HYC!
♥ Formspring is dead. Instead, I’ll be replacing it with my wishlist :)

I left my head and heart on the dance floor

As much as I want to join this, I can’t. But at least it’s a way for me to study harder for the college entrance exams. Getting into my dream universities (particularly UP and ADMU and DLSU) is a one-shot opportunity. If I blow it, the world will come crashing down like an avalanche. I can always join COC or any Candy-related stuff.

Once a door closes, a window opens. Every failure is a blessing in disguise.

Update on Skins
: I’m on Series 2 Episode 1 already! I’m loving this show.

[Lady Gaga and Beyonce]


A Course On BS Bitchology

If you clicked on the Formspring section, you’ll see “Page Not Found”. Friends on Facebook and Twitter know about the infamous incident leading me to quit the website. It all happened on Friday, the day I posted the entry with Nikki Cleary’s song in it.

As you all know, Formspring is this website for people who can ask questions or leave messages. One can choose the anonymous option even if you don’t have an account. Since a lot of my schoolmates and online buddies use it, I went with the flow. At first, it was great. But as I received those hate mail and callous comments, I didn’t know how to respond especially with the fifth account (helloimcandice). That Friday of the incident, I received four consecutive messages from an anonymous user. Whoever it was told me that I was ugly, my Tumblr DP (display image) makes her vomit, I’m not awesome, my blog had lots of grammatical errors, I don’t deserve to be a writer and I was a LOSER. My heart sank as I read those words of hatred, anger and bitterness.

I answered “Miss Anonymous” back saying she should get a life. However, she replied back and said, “You’re the one who has to get a life. You keep on answering my messages.” I deleted it. I sought the comfort of my dad whom I sent an e-mail and replied to me as soon as I composed it. Here is what he had to say through FB:

It’s good that you are open minded with the criticisms on your writing..it only means that people are reading your blogs no matter what. Always remember that there are critics and no matter how negative or depressing it is, you have to learn from it and improve.

Now about those hate comments about your looks or personality, you are absolutely correct in saying that they have to get a life. Envy is one of the deadliest sins. It’s sad that some people want to bring down a person so that they feel better about themselves. Really sickening but its reality. You just have to feel sorry for these losers..:

I was enlightened with Dad’s e-mail. Upon this, I remembered watching a documentary of the Seven Deadly Sins last Good Friday. A woman was so envious of her beautiful and seemingly-perfect neighbor she spread malicious news about her. As for the victim, she was evicted of the house by her husband. The two never saw each other. See what you get with envy? You put down others, you try to destroy them. My dad told me it was good for me to respond in a non-explicit and destructive way.

Thanks to that incident, I never opened my Formspring again. I don’t care if everyone has one. Lots of times I wished I was in the shoes of the people who never got hate mail on their Formspring. What I could say is that I am thankful I have family and friends to support me. And because of that, I came up with the new phase to change my life forever: BS Bitchology.

I just searched it on Google and guess what? My Flickr and Tumblr pages came first in the search results. Click on the photo to see what I mean.



Title: Robotmonsterheartsthunder
Date: 4/16/10

Breaking News: You can now view all of my Can-works and photo edits on my Flickr online art gallery! Log in here:


Other news: I’m currently watching Skins Season 1 on DVD. Awesome show!


The Simpsons Presents: Planet of The Apes (and Dr. Zaius)

*Note: The song is in English but the voice actors are speaking in Spanish.

My favorite Simpsons song from Season 7. The guy there is Troy McClure and you may remember him from such films such as The Muppets Go Medieval.

I hate every ape I see from chimpan-A to chimpan-Z,
No, you will never make a monkey out of me!

Your new WWE Divas Champion...

Maryse vs Eve Divas Championship Match on WWE RAW 4/12/10.

On C-Tube, it’s not just my favorite spoof videos. Wrestling matches will do, too.

Take me back to where it all begun

(click the image for a larger view)

My current Twitter layout feat. The Veronicas

Thank you, 203 followers! ♥
[The Veronicas]


You got a lot of stuff you don't deserve

Hate me all you want, talk trash about me, say something bitchy about my personal life, but one thing is certain.

You’ll never replace nor change me. It’s what God made me as a person.

[Nikki Cleary]


Title: Freakzilla
Artist: Yours truly :)
Where did I draw this: my 2010 BDJ planner.


Dear Haters,

Photo from Tumblr :)

I hate to say it but you're perfect together

It hurts to see someone you’re crazy for with another person. You begin to wish you were in the lucky boy / girl’s place. You hate to see them hugging each other, holding hands, exchanging sweet comments on their Facebook profiles, and seeing them together in pictures. And because of that, you wish you were as beautiful / handsome as the boy / girl who’s in the clutches of the one you love. Admit it, you sometimes wish they break up. The disadvantages of falling for someone who’s taken.

The advantages: you start to look yourself better. You become obsessed with fashion and looking at the mirror. You develop your self-confidence. You try to be the best you can. What do you call this? Motivation. But here’s the glitch: you’re prone to bitterness, you start to hate your single life. You wish you swapped faces and lives with that person. It hurts so much, right? That’s what this picture is telling us.

When I feel down because of seeing all those happy relationships and people bragging how hot their boyfriend / girlfriend is, these lyrics get stuck in my head.

Tell you the truth i prefer

The worst of you
Too bad you had to have a better half
She’s not really my type
But i think you two are forever
And i hate to say it but you’re perfect together.

*Photo: credits to Tumblr.

[Ani DiFranco]
