As you all know, Formspring is this website for people who can ask questions or leave messages. One can choose the anonymous option even if you don’t have an account. Since a lot of my schoolmates and online buddies use it, I went with the flow. At first, it was great. But as I received those hate mail and callous comments, I didn’t know how to respond especially with the fifth account (helloimcandice). That Friday of the incident, I received four consecutive messages from an anonymous user. Whoever it was told me that I was ugly, my Tumblr DP (display image) makes her vomit, I’m not awesome, my blog had lots of grammatical errors, I don’t deserve to be a writer and I was a LOSER. My heart sank as I read those words of hatred, anger and bitterness.
I answered “Miss Anonymous” back saying she should get a life. However, she replied back and said, “You’re the one who has to get a life. You keep on answering my messages.” I deleted it. I sought the comfort of my dad whom I sent an e-mail and replied to me as soon as I composed it. Here is what he had to say through FB:
It’s good that you are open minded with the criticisms on your writing..it only means that people are reading your blogs no matter what. Always remember that there are critics and no matter how negative or depressing it is, you have to learn from it and improve.
Now about those hate comments about your looks or personality, you are absolutely correct in saying that they have to get a life. Envy is one of the deadliest sins. It’s sad that some people want to bring down a person so that they feel better about themselves. Really sickening but its reality. You just have to feel sorry for these losers..:
I was enlightened with Dad’s e-mail. Upon this, I remembered watching a documentary of the Seven Deadly Sins last Good Friday. A woman was so envious of her beautiful and seemingly-perfect neighbor she spread malicious news about her. As for the victim, she was evicted of the house by her husband. The two never saw each other. See what you get with envy? You put down others, you try to destroy them. My dad told me it was good for me to respond in a non-explicit and destructive way.
Thanks to that incident, I never opened my Formspring again. I don’t care if everyone has one. Lots of times I wished I was in the shoes of the people who never got hate mail on their Formspring. What I could say is that I am thankful I have family and friends to support me. And because of that, I came up with the new phase to change my life forever: BS Bitchology.
I just searched it on Google and guess what? My Flickr and Tumblr pages came first in the search results. Click on the photo to see what I mean.