
The Candydoll Files Is A "Versatile Blog!"

Nadine gave me this special award - a very first for The Candydoll Files! I’d like to thank her for this honor. Now I feel like winning an Oscar for Best Actress!

To accept the Versatile Blogger Award there are some rules to follow:

1. Thank and link back the person who gave you the award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass it along to 7 blogs you’ve recently discovered and enjoy.
4. Leave your recipients a note, telling them about the award.

So here are some seven teeny facts about me:
  1. This blog was originally named Glittery and Candi-coated. 
  2. I dislike American Idol. Sorry to all fans but I think David Archie is the most overrated Idol contestant ever. I find him more over than Bieber.  He’s one of the runner-ups on Earth I cannot stand because he’s getting more attention than he deserves. I guess he’s being overtaken now by other Idol contestants (especially Lambert although I’m not really a fan of his).
  3. I like Quinn Fabray more than Rachel Berry, Blair Waldorf more than Serena van der Woodsen and Brooke Davis more than Peyton Sawyer.
  4. I hate tween stars here in the Philippines. Looking at the tween actresses make me want to form a loveteam with a hot guy or try to look like them.
  5. Back in fifth grade, I only have one staple fashion outfit: a hoodie.
  6. I suddenly took an interest in posing for the camera when I was in first year HS. :)
  7. Sometimes I want to turn my Windows XP desktop into a Mac.
So to these seven amazing bloggers, you’re receiving this award courtesy of yours truly! :D
  1. Nice (vannice95.blogspot.com)
  2. Pearl (stupify5.blogspot.com)
  3. Ica (chaoticwonderland.blogspot.com)
  4. Khay (thekhays.blogspot.com)
  5. Shekinah (therottendoll.info)
  6. Ching (thyaudaciousness.blogspot.com)
  7. HellaMay (star-drops.info)