
090211: One day back in STC ♥

Last August 25, while I was at Zentea with my blockmates after our trip to Santolan, I read a batchmate’s tweet about the release of our high school yearbooks. Eight days later, last Friday, I finally got the opportunity to get my hands on the annual and reunite with Seniors 2011 especially my IV-3 girls!  

I began my day by going to DLSU at around 10 AM for the Grade Consultation Day and talk to Mr. Armecin about my INTSOCI grade. Several minutes after the consultation at the Miguel Hall, I went to The Coffee Bean to do some Internet surfing to pass the time. At around 1 PM, I headed to Tita Ella’s dental clinic to have my brackets adjusted. My original plan was to meet IV-3 in Mcdo Retiro at 2:30 PM, so while I had my dental braces’ color changed to light green I prayed for the procedure to finish as soon as possible. Luckily, Tita Ella was able to finish on time. Outside the clinic, I suddenly saw Sammie (@sam-theham) in the jeepney to Retiro and I climbed inside accompanied by hugs and shrieks. Teehee. On the way to Mcdo Retiro, we started talking about our college professors, hot guys, and Physics (which I don’t have in my subjects this second term). About ten minutes later, the IV-3 people arrived and we had lunch there. Being hungry for my last meal was at home at around 9:30 AM , I had an enormous heap of chicken fillet with rice and cheeseburger for lunch. While eating, all of us were cracking up about our college days. 

IV-3 arrived in STC at around 3:10 PM. When we arrived there, we immediately headed to the faculty to see some of our senior year teachers. Unfortunately, our former homeroom teacher Ms.Tsaby wasn’t there, so our co-ad Ms, Magaway advised us to go to the IMC to get our graduation pictures and HS annual. The moment I got my annual, I quickly flipped it over to the page where the write-up about me was located. Whoever wrote this touching desciption about me, thank you very much!  It really touched me especially when I read about being the class muse and a Theresian writer. You made me happy at that moment :>


I looked over at my other batchmates’ write-ups as well as each section’s collages. The sleepless nights, the cases of Writer’s Block, and the dozens of cups of hot chocolate were all worth this precious memorabilia of our golden days as Theresians. This would not have been the result without the cooperation of my fellow batchmates and co-workers at the Theresian Magazine. Kudos to the whole staff for making it the first-ever HS annual in STC to be printed in glossy magazine paper (haha!) and for making it better than the previous batches!

As soon as the annuals were in our hands, we went to Mang Inasal for dinner before transferring once again to Mcdo Retiro with more IV-3 girls. From there, we had our non-stop picture-taking and endless litany of “Upload mo ngayong gabi!” by my girls. To cap off my reunion with my HS classmates and friends, I went home at around 8 PM and uploaded the photos as promised to them.

Thank you very much to my IV-3 girls, Seniors 2011, and the teachers for giving me one of the most memorable days of this year! It wouldn’t be possible without all of you ♥