October 28 was @thatmiserychick’s 2nd birthday and Free Cut Friday. After KASPIL2 class, my blockmates and I hit Robinsons Midtown. Initially, we accompanied Tisha to buy a pack of Yu-Gi-Oh cards to add to her growing card collection. But then it turned out to be a chill day for us! We had Hainanese Delights for lunch where I had Chicken Heaven and three servings of their delicious Java rice. This was followed by a visit to Powerbooks before Timezone (’s treat). In the arcade we played DDR, Wack-a-Mole, Tokyo Drift, and Street Fighter. The day wouldn’t have been perfect if not for our sundaes at Dairy Queen.
Some hilarious moments from that day:
- In Hainanese Delights, Kev was telling a story about their class retreat last year. He told some funny bit which made me choke and cough on the water I was drinking :P
- Jeline and I were “driving” in the Tokyo Drift game. She was really good with her driving while I kept on hitting the garbage cans and streetlights. Tisha saw everything and joked, “Candice, I’ll never get you as my driver!”
- Tisha and I really, really, failed in keeping up with the DDR dancers because the music was either too slow or too fast. LOL.
Last Saturday (October 29), it was the first STC Family Day without Seniors 2011. It was tempting to cut our last CWTS class so I could go there to see my HS batchmates, but I knew it was my responsibility to attend our NSTP sessions. Even though it was very depressing to hear about how much fun my batchmates had during Family Day, I had a little fun on my own. In LBYENVC, our whole block got perfect scores for our group photo essays. After that, my blockmates and I went to sit at benches near the Marian Quadrangle to chillax. At around 12:30, we headed to Andrew for our CWTS class.
The last CWTS class was super enjoyable even if we had a long test scheduled on that day. As a token of appreciation from our facilitator, each of us received a handcrafted bookmark. Before we headed home, we had dinner at KFC.
I really enjoyed last Friday and Saturday. Let’s do it again, college friends! :)