This Week on Can-stagram
First Row
1st Photo: Happy Father’s Day to all the amazing daddies in the entire world especially to my lolos, uncles, and my dad whose birthday is also today! As a gift for my blog’s ultimate fan, I made him a collage of our photos taken on the night we watched Fast and Furious 6 together back in May.
2nd Photo: On June 12, my mom celebrated her birthday so I posted a collage on her wall like I always do on the day where all of her cells regenerate. What I just told you was something I learned from my Biology teacher back in second year high school when we were studying the human anatomy. I bet I gave you another piece of knowledge power today, right?
3rd Photo: Our first assignment in FOTOCOM (Basic Photography) class was to capture five still-life images of three eggs with emphasis in the lighting, color, texture, and form of the subjects. Sure this task wasn’t a piece of cake yet it was a battleground for us to improve my shooting skills. Another challenging part of this was that we were FORBIDDEN to either use auto setting in our cameras or edit them via any software. At first, I was trepid over ideas on how to shoot those eggs in a creative manner. But with the help of photography websites and friends alike, I was able to collect several tips along with hours of practice. By the way, this is an iPhone capture of my Nikon’s screen presenting one of five eggtography samples.
Second Row
4th Photo: And the lunch for today is…the new McSpicy burger! There was nothing but giddiness curling around my belly when I learned of its lunch earlier this week. Just like KFC’s Zinger, it is a medium-sized burger with lettuce and spicy chicken thigh fillet wrapped in a bun. The price is affordable so as to speak (ala carte at P80, w/ medium fries and drink at P135) while it retains the spiciness as advertised. Like I remarked in my Instagram caption, McSpicy is tasty and worth the hype. It is very likely following the meal that I will grab another bite of my new favorite chicken burger one of these days!
5th Photo: An aerial landscape of Taft Avenue behind the tinted windows of Henry Sy Library accompanied with a quote to showcase a form of simple graphic design.
Third Row
6th and 7th Photo: After a year of not seeing each other, Khar and I met up last Wednesday for a day of laughter and sentiments. We swapped a lot of stories over what happened with us within the 365+ day gap, praised each other for our individual accomplishments, and took photos as a memorabilia of our interpersonal HS reunion. I am in high hopes the Sweet 6Teens will reunite sooner or later!
For more photos, check out my Instagram profile: @candiceleocands! Fear not, my feed is not bombarded with my selfies.