
The Happy List

Inspired by my favorite blogger Camie’s The Happy List Blog Link-Up, I decided to make my own list of ten simple little pleasures as of this moment: 

  1. That fantastic moment of finishing something I thought I would never finish (i.e. a term-long project, some graphic, a whole season of a TV series)

  2. My newest cheap thrill: McDonald’s Iced Mocha 

  3. Sweatshirts with those sassy statements

  4. Reading light-hearted stuff / messages

  5. Virtual conversations with my parents 

  6. Vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup and crushed Oreos 

  7. Anything good about the Penguins

  8. Satisfying myself with good reads such as Haruki Murakami’s Norwegian Wood (which I’m currently reading) 

  9. Those bonding moments with family, friends, and orgmates 

  10. Sleeping with plush pillows all around me at night

I know there is so much more, but I will save them for next time! In other news, first week just ended and I am seizing my last few days of being nineteen. There is so much excitement in the air surrounding my upcoming special day I even searched online in the wee hours of Saturday morning for ideas on what to treat for my friends and family. 

What are some of the things that make you happy? You can share yours here