I don’t really write about love in here, but this is one thing I’ve always wanted to talk about publicly.
Let me reveal something to you: I stopped following certain Twitter accounts not only they annoyed me so much but for the fact they put the statement “relationship goals” in every friggin’ photo ever regardless of its irrelevance to the context. For example, Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher eating a donut is what some others consider as a standard of an ideal relationship nowadays.
Yes, you’ve read it right. A DONUT.
We should not get too obsessed with trying to formulate the perfect relationship by setting unrealistic expectations that when not met we become ultimately disappointed. Being successful together, staying as a couple through thick and thin, and being happy in each other’s company? These are the REAL relationship goals, not those awfully cheesy text messages or couple shirts or letting your partner buy all of your luxuries. True love doesn’t work like that. Movies are movies, books are books - do not get disheartened when you don’t end up with someone who is an exact replica of Augustus Waters or Jack Dawson because each person has its imperfections but that’s what makes them special in their own way. Can you imagine a world filled entirely with Jennifer Aniston or Ryan Gosling clones if we were to grant everyone’s ideal standards of the perfect partner? It may look appealing at first, but the more you think of it the more eerie it gets. There is no variation in the human population when every guy is a Gosling and every girl is an Aniston doppleganger.
The point is, don’t let your standards of an ideal relationship be defined by the couples portrayed in the media alone. A perfect relationship does not exist without goofing around with each other one minute then have a petty spat the next. Don’t depend your life or your happiness solely on your desire to have the perfect partner. Keep an optimistic outlook, work your way to success, and good things will come to you and your relationship.
If I were committed to such at present, I would still share the same thoughts.