
2015 may have been here for over a week now but it doesn’t stop me from putting up a collage of the people who made an impact in the previous 365 days. I will be back in Manila on Sunday afternoon and I can’t wait to see my grandparents, aunts and uncles, and my friends once again. By the time I get back to school on Monday for INDIFLM (my only class that day LOL but that’s a different story), it’s gonna be a bit emotional as it would be my last term ever. I only have three days of school plus I have a long weekend because of Pope Francis’ Papal visit.

Just as I was saying earlier, 2014 would not have been that kind of year without the people on this collage. There were the highs: spending Christmas and summer with my parents, returning to the beach for the first time in forever with the Tioman trip, being with my cousins on the last week of summer when they visited Singapore, having my thesis proposal approved when I least expected it, good grades, the internship with Probe Productions for Dr. Tullao’s lecture series, WRIFILM and CONCEPT with Direk Joey, going back and forth to CCP for Cinemalaya, all those awesome bonding moments with friends and coursemates, the family trip to Tagaytay, seeing my favorite player winning the MVP and scoring title, the return to STC plus getting to see old teachers and friends after three years, the EB race, my successful transition from literary to layout committee, and so many to mention it might take up the whole blank space. 

Not to mention the bad times as well: the struggle of coming up with a good thesis topic as well as all those times I knew I have to be at my maximum for a chance to graduate wih honors, the entire month of November, those sleepless nights spent on overthinking (?) and working on stuff I am supposed to do, getting oh so close from becoming DL in the third term only to have it ruined by one of my subjects, having to watch the teams I root for lose, seeing my favorites go through slumps, and many others. Nevertheless, I am thankful that everything turned out right in the end. 

What would be a year-end post without a few words for the people who made 2014 one to remember? 

  • To my family, thank you very much for making me realize that each day is a blessing. I am grateful for your unconditional love and support through the best and worst of times. I would not be where I am right now without all of you! 

  • To Monzie, Jeline, Kevs, and Tisha (in Zamboanga), you are simply the best, without a doubt. I love how our conversations range from philosopical to hilarious all the freakin’ time. I became more aware of things around me compared to what I used to be before I went to college. The last three years would have sucked without spending those amazing moments with you. You will always be my BFFs for life even when I wake up with Ronald McDonald hair then move to Antarctica where I could spend the rest of my days cuddling actual penguins. Hey Tisha, we all miss you and hope you get back to Manila soon! 

  • To Czawr,  cheers to being an awesomesauce friend and my NARATIV twin! We would not have survived Groyon had we not joined forces all this time. Thanks for everything - I will always have your back and and I am lucky to have met a cool cat like you in my life. Here’s to more bonding moments! 

  • To Green & White 2014 and 2015, I am very fortunate to be part of this incredible organization. Thank you so much for the opportunities, the boothmanning moments, the Lakan Cup, and for making my residency hours worthwhile! 

  • To the AB-CAM peeps, I would not have loved my degree program to infinity and beyond without your guidance, perseverance, and creativity. What I could say is that you are an amazing bunch to be with seven days a week. 

  • To the Tullao Lecture peeps, holla! Thank you very much for making Monday and Wednesday afternoons brighter, better, and unforgettable. Here’s to more moments with you guys! 

  • To all of my professors, I learned so much more about mass media and all of its components because of you. I would not have been a better media practitioner now if not for your vast influence. 

  • To Sir Doy, thank you so much for being the best thesis mentor ever. I truly appreciate everything you’ve done to make my thesis a treasure I will always cherish. 

  • To Direk Joey, thank you very much for believing in me. I learned to write and conceptualize better because of you while I chuckled at all the witty comments you’ve made about the no-nos of world cinema today. I became more inspired to write thanks to you. (Ugh I forgot to include my selfie with him on the collage but you can find it on my IG page!) 

  • To the Lord Almighty, I am grateful for all the graces you’ve showered upon us. Thank you for listening to me whenever I say a little prayer for everyone and everything I have. Thank you for guiding me whenever I’m in trouble. Thank you for making me feel happy and blessed with my life right now. 

  • To all my followers, thank you so much for your support because it gives me so much inspiration to keep blogging and this site alive. 

Last but not the least, I hope you all have a great year ahead! >:D<