
Last Hurrah: Bloody Week.

For the next two weeks starting tomorrow, second year will be bloody as hell.

Tomorrow will be our quizzes for two of the world’s bloodiest subjects: Biology and Math. In Math it will be a long test (gahd no), and a short quiz on Bio about nutritional relationship. The truth is, tomorrow’s Bio will be easy to ace, just identify the relationship being described. But here’s the pathetic sitch: the next day, we will have FOUR LONG TESTS in Bio (again?), Religion, TLE, and English. It seems like the teachers are treating us like adults. Why? Some grownups say that sophomore year is just a passing phase. When you get to third year you have to ace Chemistry, Advanced Algebra, and Geometry. Plus, you have to study hard because when you apply in the university of your choice, the grades the deans look at is based on your performance in junior year. So even though you do well in senior year if you’re barely passing the previous level, you’ll not be able to enter UP. BTW, UP is my dream college.

Then there came the storm of assignments and projects. This week, we have to accomplish a formal and informal theme paper in Filipino. Do you know what is the subject for our formal theme? It is about everlasting…lalalalaLOVE! Although I’ve done this a week ago, I have to edit it again to make it eye-pleasing. Plus, this weekend I have to study for all of my upcoming tests. So wish me luck. I might be off blogging for the next weekend since it will be exam week.

Remember the last post when I crammed on being TLE leader for our cooking activity? The night before, I prepared all of my materials. I brought the rice, an extra fresh papaya for the tinola, the bowls for the buko pandan. All in one paper bag. I have to study for our Biology quiz (which have worked, I got a good score) at around 10 pm. Guess what time I slept? 12:30 in the morning. I have to wake up at 4:30 am just to get my cooking apron and to wait for my school bus to arrive. Before our cooking activity, I kept on praying to God for this to be successful. By the time the bell for TLE rang, I was shaking. This is it.

But you know what? All things went well. Even my second job as a dishwasher was fine too! I almost broke a jar borrowed from the school; thank goodness I blocked it quickly or else I have to pay! Now there goes my story.