
TLE Leadership is Easy...NOT!

If you think being TLE leader is easy, think again.

Being leader is one of the toughest decisions and responsibilities that I have to face and do. I never had the feeling of shaking two days before our Cooking Day, which is this Tuesday. Over the last week, I assigned my groupmates on who will be the marketers, cooks, housekeepers, and dishwashers. I can’t be the cook because I’m already the leader. I can cook fried foods but not a soupy one-course meal like chicken tinola. So with a classmate, I became the dishwasher to be fair. I was thinking of what will I do on the day of our cooking:

♥Ask my groumates if they brought the ingredients and supplies needed.
♥Bring my cooking apron. What’s a cooking activity with the leader without her proper attire?
♥Pray that all goes well from beginning to end.
♥Wash the dishes…☻!!
♥Forget the pathetic cramming that I did the week before the activity.
♥May Mrs. D give us a good grade for all of our efforts. Amen!

So to all of you readers…wish me luck. :) And I have question to ask: should I change my layout? There are lots of pretty blogskins right now, especially one that I really like. It’s navigational with an electric pop theme. But I can’t let go of the header that I made and my super long bio. So maybe after two months? Only time can tell.