
It's gonna take a miracle to take me back

After a week with the robot ad whenever you click the HYC link, I’m finally done with my new layout! It took approximately FIVE hours for me to finish this. It required hard work and patience to present an excellent webpage to the world. In the end, everything paid off. Before I tell you about the first three days of senior year, let me share what happened behind the HYC curtain.

For two years, I was a unique blogger who didn’t install a chatbox. Don’t fret on this fact. Recently, my mind flooded with curiousity as I left a tag on my blogfriends’ chatboxes. I was thinking, “Hmmm, if I installed a chatbox, will someone leave a message?” So I headed to Teentalk for some advice. A lot of people told me to install one because it will give me an opportunity to connect with my readers. At first, I doubt about it. But one night, I finally made the move to create a Shoutmix account and embed a chatbox widget on my blog. That’s how the “site maintenance” happened. I changed my layout, added a link for comments to each of my posts and the Shoutmix. I’d like to thank all those who suggested a chatbox on my site especially the wonderful Shekinah of therottendoll. For a few times this week, we exchanged messages on Formspring about the big change on HYC. She kept on asking me about the condition of HYC which I’m very thankful for. Also, Shekinah is one of my regular readers here. Please visit her blog if you can; you’ll love it to bits.

Commercial break is over. Now back to regular programming.

I expected the first three days of school to be a wonderland. Unfortunately, it didn’t go well as planned. I wasn’t the only one who felt disappointed with the first week of senior year. A lot of my batchmates were, too. Why?

- Goodbye, Dance Pro. Hello again, Field Demo. Should I be excited for October 27?
- PALIHAN, meet your substitute: KASAMAHAN. Bye bye, white shirt and denims. :((
- IV-3’s not complete anymore; we lost four classmates. (Miss you all!) Plus, two in our class were absent last week. Hope to see them again on Tuesday.
- Locker fee: P70. Size? SUPER SMALL. So not worth it.
- The classroom is morning sunshine’s target. Our class and IV-4 need to line up in front of the faculty and the Guidance Office every flag ceremony.
- Rumor has it that Bandfest will be replaced by Dancefest. Who will audition for that event anyway?

I enjoyed my first session with my elective Creative Writing and Journalism last Thursday. It was fuuuuuun. And my friends? I love recess and lunch because I’m with them.

So, how was your first day?
