
We're settling the final score

This might be my last post for the summer before I hit the corridors once again on Wednesday. Let me take this opportunity to thank everyone who viewed Heck Yeah Candydoll since the installation of my hit counter on Tuesday. Continue to support my blog, spread HYC to the cyberuniverse, and be part of my ramblings and reflections! I’d also thank all of my blogging buddies for being wonderful and inspiring online journalists! I modified my layout the past week with a few changes:

- Installed a hit counter
- Removed the link to my Robo.to account since I rarely use it
- Added a “Follow on Google Connect” link for blog subscription
- Changed my profile and random facts section
- Removed the Candicam (I’ll decide if I’ll bring it back or not)- Changed my background
- New signature at the end of each post

Have I told you about Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time? My mom and I watched it after my final session of review class the Friday before this week (May 28). I enjoyed my last class at Academic Gateway because all we did was to write an essay, take class pictures, and have fun with our review-mates. After the class, I and mom met at the LRT Tayuman station and headed to SM San Lazaro to watch the movie. But before the film viewing, I ate at KFC and guess what was my meal? The NBA Fully Loaded Meal! I finished everything but the Zinger (I ate it inside the cinema). It was undeniably delicious. After a few minutes of strolling around the mall, we finally got into the moviehouse. My verdict? I enjoyed the movie. It’s not only because the Jake Gyllenhaal looked fantastic in his portrayal of Prince Dastan but also it’s the straightforward and subtle storyline. While watching Prince of Persia, I was awed with the outstanding visual effects, effective acting and the suspense not visible in most movies these days. Nevertheless, this is Jake’s best film so far.

Stare at Prince Dastan if you can! Just look at this photo montage below. *wink*
