
A Real-Life Noah's Ark

Who would’ve thought there would be a calamity with a worse effect than 2009’s Ondoy? See the pictures for yourself. 

Along with the pictures were the tweets surrounding the link between Genesis 8:7-12 (Noah’s Ark) and the date 8/7/12: 

Photos and statements in 140 characters or less are not enough to express what the Philippines had experienced the past week especially last Tuesday. Just like the calamities before that like Milenyo, Peping, Basyang, Sendong, etc., the huge flood that struck country has changed more than a million Filipinos’ lives. In comparison to the story of Noah’s Ark, it didn’t flood for forty days and forty nights but the amount of rainfall that day was as great as the one in the said story. Because of what happened, our country was immersed in a polluted Pacific Ocean. Many houses were destroyed, many families were forced to evacuate, classes were cut off, electricity was spared for the safety of every living household. 

On that Tuesday, my family had to live in darkness for seven hours as a result of our power being cut off to avoid electrocution. We had to bear the unstoppable downpour of rain from morning to night. To make matters worse, our dining table and kitchen were flooded ankle-deep which was the same occurrence during typhoon Ondoy. The situation was so shattering my mom called us up all the way from overseas to check on us and friends texted us. Luckily for us, our family was complete when it happened. Thank God our house was neither completely flooded nor destroyed by the great flood. We may live without electricity for seven hours just as long as our family is together and well. 

Together we pray for the Philippines most especially to all those affected from this calamity.

Photos credited to various websites.