My birthday is tomorrow but technically I’ll be turning 18 officially at 7:45 AM. I am both excited and nervous for my “legal day” because 1) there’s school, 2) first birthday without my HS friends, and 3) I’ll be a debutante, only without the cotillion and the slow dancing. Sorry to break your hearts but I won’t be having a debut. Not only it’s not really my way to celebrate my 18th, I think it’s not very practical to spend money on a party when I could have bought myself a decent birthday gift. Before the clock strikes midnight, here is my birthday wishlist:
1. iPad 2
2. The Hunger Games trilogy book set (I long to read these before the movie comes out)
3. A brand new domain ( perhaps?)
4. Skins: The Novel
5. Complete book sets of The Clique, Gossip Girl, Secrets of my Hollywood Life
6. A brand new camera (a Nikon or Canon SLR will do)
7. A set of Steadtler pens
8. A Disney sweatshirt from Forever 21 (I was supposed to get Sleeping Beauty back in SG but I picked the last Kermit the Frog sweatshirt there!)
9. Any outfit from Kamiseta, Tomato, Forever 21, Zara
10. A pair of gorgeous flats
11. A trip to Bora, Palawan, and Tagaytay anytime this year
12. More money (who doesn’t wish for that? :P)
13. A happy 2012
14. More blessings to myself, my family, friends, and other loved ones
I won’t be including a new cellphone unit, planner, and laptop because I already got those before my birthday. I’m already thankful for having Quinn (Sony Vaio), my BB Bold 9000 (still unnamed), and my brand new Belle de Jour 2012 Power Planner. As much as I want a Macbook and a Blackberry Curve, I’m definitely contented with what I have right now.