Yes, blogs can ruin your life
By Pam Pastor
Philippine Daily Inquirer
Last updated 18:20:00 04/01/2008
MANILA, Philippines—The Internet-savvy should think of the past few weeks as more than just a hate fest and a gossip buffet. It is a wake-up call—and a testament to the true powers of blogging.
After countless names have been thrown around the World Wide Web and smeared with nastiness, many have expressed fear about people blogging about them.
But the truth is, you should be concerned not only with what others post about you. You should also be careful about what you post about yourself.
Blog backfire
Twenty-two-year-old Lisa called in sick one Friday afternoon. But she wasn’t really sick. She was planning to start the weekend early by going to the beach with her friends. Days later, she posted pictures of the outing on her blog. Someone in her office found the link. Soon, she was called to her boss’ office. She didn’t lose her job, but she got into a lot of trouble.
Eighteen-year-old Anne enjoys an independent life. Both parents are in the US. She blogged freely about her misadventures—drunken nights out, failed tests, her penchant for bad boys. She thought her blog was being read only by her friends.
But a concerned relative sent the link to her parents who immediately jumped to action, calling Anne up and threatening to fly her to the US where she could be put under their watch. Anne is still in the country but has deleted her blog.
The two girls have experienced blog backfire. Things they posted online ended up working against them.
Make sure it doesn’t happen to you, too. Here are some things to think about when you blog.
1. You don’t know who is reading your page.
Unless your entries are locked and you have total control over who has access to them, you’re never sure who is reading your entries. Your parents, your teachers—they’re all just a google search away from unlocking your deepest thoughts.
2. What you post can make or break your career.
While some people have gotten book deals after building a huge blog readership, most bloggers need to realize that employers have started using Google searches as a tool to scan job applicants.
3. Will your post hurt anyone?
It is easy to vent online your anger with a friend or a family member. But let the anger simmer before hitting the “publish” button. Sleep on it, think it over because once it’s online, it will not be easy to get rid of—not with the cache features of online searches.
4. Can your entries be lifted and used against you?
Your blog entries may be lifted anytime by anyone who knows how to highlight and press Ctrl and C. Your photos may be stolen as easily and defaced, like some have been on gossip blogs. It may be smart to add javascript that prevents readers from right-clicking on your page. It’s not total protection, but it may save you from the less-techie lurkers.
5. Will your entries attract the wrong kind of people?
Most blog readers are kind. They leave comments, they send you e-mails and sometimes, you even find people you can be friends with. But some of the more popular bloggers have had problems with blog stalkers. High internet traffic is a good thing, but not when it leads to scary encounters.
Hmm…sounds interesting. This serves as a guideling for all of us bloggers: not anything we post is good. Leave alone the blog bashing! And lying to a person could lead you to harm when you post pics on your OJ. The first experience mentioned was a little similar to what happened with our HS teacher (no, I can’t reveal her name but I guess Theresians reading this might know). On February this year, she was absent for two weeks because of an “illness”. But one of the teachers saw her Friendster and BOOM!
THERE SHE POSTED HER PICS FROM BORACAY….which happened during her “illness” period.
The buzz spread quickly all over our school. The teacher who saw the Friendster pics reported to the school admins and the “Boracay hopper” resigned during the last days of February. So off she went. Lesson? Never, ever post pics on your Friendster, Multiply, or MySpace if you have told something to a person such as that you’re sick even if you aren’t. Better yet, tell the truth. This could backfire you in the future. And don’t reveal personal info! You might soon see your windows and there’s a stranger a “visit”.
While browsing that blog entry, I also read the article on the hot YouTube vids. One is about fashionable R&B singer Rihanna singing “Hero” in her high school talent show. It was regarded as her “worst performance” because of how she sang. Singers were never perfect, even the most popular ones mess up sometimes. You can view it here.