Success! I finally made my customized blog header! Thank you very much, Adobe Photoshop CS3. I added a little background to make it more colorful. After two hours of making it, I looked at the layout and it was good. I felt proud of myself for making the header. Some of the images are premade collages already, so I just combined it with my edited images. Upload it to TinyPic….and voila! You have a Candice-made blog header!
Three nights ago, I chatted with Dad and we talked about going on a fitness program for the whole summer. I asked him if starting weightlifting at an early age will stunt your growth, but Dad didn’t believe in that myth. He told me it will make me any taller and healthier than ever before. From the time we talked about the program, he said he will make arrangements with his fitness-minded older brother (my Tito) to be my personal trainer for the rest of the program. Whoa! I felt like I will be undergoing intensive training for some competition. Dad recommended me to read fitness magazines and see how bodybuilders get fit. That night, I read these magazines. I was amazed to see all rippling muscles and exercises. I was thinking, Will this program make me look like an Amazonian? I think it is a stupid thought. The purpose of that is to make me slimmer, reach my goal of losing 10 pounds before I enter junior year in June. Wouldn’t you want to see an un-flabby me? Hehe.
The training began two days ago, as Tito taught me which exercises to do before I undergo the workouts. He said it will contribute to weight loss. After that, I began doing the exercise proper, such as 5 lbs. benches and dumbbell routines. It took an hour before I finished them. The next day, we went brisk walking for about 30 minutes. Before walking, he let me wear a waistband to “remove all the fats”. It was comfortable to wear. At approximately 7:20, we did the exercises again. However, after the workouts, I began to have pains in my lower abdomen and around the clavicle. But as they say, “No pain no gain”. It will take lots of weeks of pain to achieve my goal.
Fitness Program. ü
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