Just finished my compilation of best and worst quizzes for Bio. Ash Wednesday tomorrow, but we are not sure of the schedule yet if there would be shortened periods. It’s time for the Lent season again. Do not eat meat again tomorrow. I’m sure there’s no Regular Yum or Pizza Hut with Bacon and Cheese.
Yesterday was Tito Charles’ 18th birthday! Yay for him. He’s a fully-grown man now. Haha….he’s too tall for his age (5'11", the same height as Dad) and still a computer addict. I was pissed off at him yesterday because he ate at KFC without telling me to come with him. Tito Charles even kept a tissue from the fastfood resto to prove he really did celebrate his birthday lunch there! Arrgh! But anyway, it’s his birthday naman. At least, he gave me a Double Dutch ice cream as a treat to his niece. Haha!