
Happy Valentine's!


Thinking of V-Day gives me one word to describe the day best: LOVE. When we hear it, we think of boyfriends, girlfriends, couples, roses, chocolates, hearts. V-Day is great for others since going out on dates at fancy resturants is the #1 plan to have a perfect day. However, it’s also hurting for some. Why? Many single ladies (all the single ladies, all the single ladies! LOL.) and guys are desperate to finding someone who would be their valentine. Some are heartbroken about trying to get over an ex after a horrible break-up.

If for some of you think of Hearts Day as a celebration of your special love with your special someone, mine is different. If you guessed it, I don’t have a boyfriend yet. But for me, spending this special day with my friends and family is enough already. Not much to say about what happened today since my mom and I just went to the mall together. When I and dad were chatting this afternoon, we were talking about my plan with mom to watch the newest Richard and KC movie. Nah…not my type of movie. I won’t tell here in this blog what I said about the movie since there might be readers who have watched and loved it.

Yesterday’s Personnel’s Day was not what I expected. Instead of having tributes for each year level which we usually do in Grade School, we had a mass then a department-wide program. It was so sad to know that our principal gave us a 15-minute sermon on decorum which was primarily the reason why the planned 1-hour recess was cut short to just 45 minutes. Almost everyone complained about it, I think. I guess this is the first time our principal gave us a sermon…on the day for the teachers. Ouch.

No classes until Monday!! Yippee….maybe it’s time again to change my blog layout!